Thursday 20 June 2013

IWEPLET 2013 Program is online

After the review process of the submitted papers for IWEPLET 2013, we have creatd the program for this workshop.

It is available on Google Docs here.

And it is also included on our IWEPLET website.

The rationale of this program is the following:

The first day will be devoted to the EuroPLOT project itself. We will explain the motivation for this research and collaboration project, will show the four case studies, and will demonstrate the tools. At the end of the day BJ Fogg will joint us through Skype for a discussion about "Persuasive Technology".

The second day will then show related work in the field of "Persuasive Technology" for Learning, Teaching, and Education. It will be concluding with a discussion about persuasive learning and the outlook of this technology.